Sculpting Guide: Laurels This is guide after a random conversation with TinFish, hence it's hap-hazardness.. I made it up as I went along! Firstly, find something flat that you can move about & dont mind putting Greenstuff onto (I'm using the plastic insert the Balrog comes in, but a blister pack would suffice).
Next, apply some moisture to the top of the pack.
Place a piece of greenstuff about the right size for the laurel on the pack.
Use a modelling tool to even out the thickness and smoothen out any fingerprints.
Once you have an even height of greenstuff, use a fine knife to cut off the edges to get an even rectangle. After cutting each edge, use the flat of the blade to make sure the Greenstuff hasn't stuck to the packet.
After getting a nice clean, even shape, take a sharp modelling knife & score a line down the centre of the greenstuff gently.
Now Very Very Carefully, cut the corners off the end at about 45 degrees.
Now run slightly deeper marks at 45degree angle all along both sides of the line.
then check the Greenstuff is still moveable.. spot a pattern here? Next, mark & cut off a triangle along the other end, try to keep it central!
Finally, leave for an hour or so for the greenstuff to start to start to harden (but still flexible enough to place on the fig!) .
Repeat all these steps for the otherside, leave to dry overnight This takes alot of practice to get right (from not sticking the laurel to the lid to lifting it without tearing it...) , but it certainly worth the effort! |
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